Saturday, August 8, 2009


Examination is coming soon. Are you ready? My teacher often said out these sentences.
It was true, when one day my teacher gave our class a surprise test.
I did badly. Feeling so depress, I broke into tears upon collecting my paper.
But my tears mean nothing to me.

The second coming of the Lord is near.
To separate the wheat and the weed
To judge the living and the death.
What will be your answer?

Jesus is standing at the door and knock
If you hear His voice and open the door of your heart
He will come in to stay as your Lord and Saviour.

1 comment:

  1. Yup we freak out getting ready for tests...

    Yet we stay cool , not getting prepared for the heavenly test...

    Just another folly by us human beings.

    Getting our priorities wrong.

    Going for the temporary rather than the eternal...

    What's wrong with us?
