Here's a message from Benny Hinn Ministry:
This will be a year when you will have greater supernatural guidance than ever before.
Todd says, “The Bible talks about the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, the one who desires to take you by the hand and lead you where you need to go. He is the one who brings all things to your remembrance. He is the one who empowers you. He is the one who gives you deputized authority. And it is time that the Holy Spirit is the strongest and loudest and clearest voice in your life!”
What a wonderful promise we have: “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel” (Isaiah 45:3).
The Lord wants to lead you to riches in secret places. He knows where the opportunities are. He knows where the ideas and concepts are.
If you will learn to listen to Him, especially as you then learn to respond through your faith, He will show you what you should do, the roads you should take, and the doors you should walk through.
He is ready to intensify His leading in 2009!
I just saw Benny Hinn for the first time when I was in the mountainside school. He was in Jakarta.I would see the Sirit moving.. it's hard to describe. I have the cd so you can contact me if you wana see Benny Hinn's crusade ...